Cadbury Drinking Chocolate 450g


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 Cadbury Drinking Chocolate 450g

Nutrition Facts

Serving size: 1 serving = 15g (approx. 1 tablespoon)

Quantity per serving Quantity per 100g / 100ml Percentage daily intake*
Energy 246kJ 1640kJ 7%
Protein Less than 1.0g 5.4g 15%
Total Fat Less than 1.0g 2.3g Less than 1%
Saturated Fat Less than 1.0g 1.3g 9%
Carbohydrate 12.6g 83.8g 7%
Sugars 11.6g 77.1g 24%
Sodium 1mg 4mg Less than 1%

*Percentage Daily Intake per serving. Percentage Daily Intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700 kJ. Your daily intakes may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs.



Sugar, Cocoa Powder, Starch (Maize or Tapioca), Mineral Salt (501), Flavour.

Servings Per Pack:


Storage Instructions:

Please store in cool, dry conditions.

Usage Instructions:

For the perfect Hot Chocolate add one heaped tablespoon of Cadbury. Drinking Chocolate into a cup of hot skim milk and stir.


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