Arnotts Jatz Clix 250gm

$2.95 $4.00

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Arnotts Jatz Clix 250gm


Nutrition Facts


Quantity per serving Quantity per 100g / 100ml Percentage daily intake*
Energy 309kJ 2060kJ 3.6%
Protein 1.0g 6.8g 2.1%
Total Fat 3.7g 24.6g 5.3%
Saturated Fat 0.9g 5.9g 3.7%
Carbohydrate 8.9g 59.5g 2.9%
Sugars 0.9g 6.0g 1.0%
Dietary Fibre Total 0.4g 2.8g 1.3%
Sodium 99mg 661mg 4.3%

*Percentage Daily Intake per serving. Percentage Daily Intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700 kJ. Your daily intakes may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs.


Country of Origin:

Made in Australia


Soy and Gluten containing Cereals (Wheat & Barley).


May Be Present Sesame, Contains Barley, May Be Present Tree Nuts, Contains Soy, Contains Wheat, May Be Present Peanuts, May Be Present Milk, May Be Present Egg

Storage Instructions:

To maintain freshness, store in a cool, dry place in an airtight, light proof container.


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