Ardmona Diced Tomatoes 400gm


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Ardmona Diced Tomatoes 400gm


Nutrition Facts

Serving size: 1 serving = 125g

Quantity per serving Quantity per 100g / 100ml Percentage daily intake*
Energy 111kJ 89kJ Not provided
Energy Cal 27Cal 21Cal Not provided
Protein 1.4g 1.1g Not provided
Total Fat Less than 0.1g Less than 0.1g Not provided
Saturated Fat Less than 0.1g Less than 0.1g Not provided
Carbohydrate 4.3g 3.4g Not provided
Sugars 3.6g 2.9g Not provided
Dietary Fibre Total 1.4g 1.1g Not provided
Sodium 7mg 6mg Not provided
Potassium 303mg 243mg Not provided

*Percentage Daily Intake per serving. Percentage Daily Intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700 kJ. Your daily intakes may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs.



Diced Tomatoes (61%), Tomato Juice.


No Added Salt, No Added Sugars

Servings Per Pack:


Storage Instructions:

Refrigerate unused contents in a sealed non metallic container.

Usage Instructions:

Use within 5 days.


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